Experimentation and modeling dehumidified air dryer



Dehumidified air dryer, Heat transfer, Mass transfer, Colburn’s analogynsfer, Colburn’s a


Drying process assessment depends on several complex physical phenomena. This paper develops dehumidified air dryer modeling in order to determine the humidity rate releases over time and drying period. Firstly, experimental dehumidified air dryer devices much with sensors were built to vaporize 5ml of water under atmospheric condition. Then, modeling based on heat and mass transfers using Colburn’s analogy with Gnielinski correlation was applied to evaluate vapor rate. Model input data use temperature, humidity and air velocity measured from censors during experimentation. As results, model shows similar trend diagram of vapor rate and drying period with experimentation. According to the model, 6690s is needed to dry 5ml of water whereas experiment shows only 5700s which represents 15.17% of an error. Under the same conditions, open air drying process takes considerably more time to dry up equivalent amount of water. Knowing vapor rate to dehydrate from various products, dehumidified air dryer model can be a useful tool to predict drying period.


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How to Cite

A. T. RANDRIANARINOSY, “Experimentation and modeling dehumidified air dryer”, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 1068–1076, Sep. 2024.


