Summaries of Causes, Effects and Prevention of Solar Electric Fire Incidents
solar, Causes, Prevention, Fire Incident, Solar Electric FireAbstract
Currently the number of fire incidents involving photovoltaic (PV) systems are increasing as a result of the strong increase of PV installations. These incidents are terrible and immeasurable on life and properties. It is thus very important to understand the causes, effects and how prevent the occurrence of incidents. This study aimed to summarize the causes, effects, and preventions of solar electric fire incidents. Literature review was adopted to summarize the study. The summarized and discussed result from literature found that arcing, hot spot, weather conditions, improper installations and maintenance, and systems mechanical and electrical failures are the main causes solar PV fire incidents. The effects of incidents are terrible on life and properties. The result also discussed the precautionary measures in detail on how to prevent PV systems and firefighters before and during fire incidents. Therefore, it is expected that the study is comprehensive for manufacturers, installers, professionals to build and improve understanding of causes, effects and prevention of solar electric fire incidents in residential, industrial and commercial applications.
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