International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics: Announcements 2025-01-31T11:01:50+00:00 Open Journal Systems <hr /><hr /> <table style="width: 99.4295%; height: 247px;" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 247px;" valign="top"> <td style="width: 15.4728%; height: 247px;"> <p><br /> Journal title<br /> Initials<br /> Frequency<br /> ISSN<br /> CODEN<br /> ARK ID<br /> Call For Papers<br /> Email</p> </td> <td style="width: 59.8854%; height: 247px;"> <p><br />: <strong>International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics</strong> <br />: <strong>Int J Eng and Appl Phys</strong><br />: <strong>3 issues per year (January, May, September)</strong><br />: <strong>2737-8071</strong><strong><br /></strong>: <strong>IJEAE7</strong><br />: <strong>Ark:/15735</strong><br /><strong>: <a title="IJEAP : Volume 05, Issue 01, CFP" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Volume 05, Issue 02</a><br />: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected] / </a><a title="ijeap gmail " href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank" rel="noopener">[email protected]</a><br /></strong></p> </td> <td style="width: 23.2091%; height: 247px;"><img src="" alt="IJEAP Cover" width="255" height="360" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr /><hr /> <div align="justify"> <p><strong>The International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics (IJEAP)</strong>, is an international academic open access journal which gains a foothold and opens to the world. Scope of the journal includes but not limited to applied physics and applied mathematics, automation and control, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, computer science, data engineering and software engineering, earth and environmental engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering and operations research, information technology and informatics, materials science, measurement and metrology, mechanical engineering, medical physics, power engineering, signal processing and telecommunications.<br />The IJEAP journal aims for a publication speed of 90 days from submission until final publication. IJEAP uses the LOCKSS archival system and cited in Google Scholar, ASI database, DRJI, ResearchBib, Citefactor, WorldCat, BASE and EuroPub.</p> </div> Call For Paper (Volume 05, Issue 02) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2025-01-31T11:01:50+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2025-01-31T11:01:50+00:00 New issue published (Vol. 05 issue. 01) 2025-01-30T19:39:23+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2025-01-30T19:39:23+00:00 Multiple Submission (Simultaneous Submissions) and Prior Publication 2024-11-08T20:30:01+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-11-08T20:30:01+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 05, Issue 01) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-10-17T09:47:31+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-10-17T09:47:31+00:00 New issue published (Vol. 04 issue. 03) 2024-10-09T22:12:19+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-10-09T22:12:19+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 04, Issue 03) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-06-21T20:22:22+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-06-21T20:22:22+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 04, Issue 02) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-03-23T07:00:19+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-03-23T07:00:19+00:00 New issue published (Vol. 04 issue. 01) 2024-02-11T19:24:41+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2024-02-11T19:24:41+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 04, Issue 01) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-10-18T12:35:37+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-10-18T12:35:37+00:00 Change in Publication Date (Vol 3, Issue 03) : [02-10-2023] 2023-09-24T19:22:56+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-09-24T19:22:56+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 03, Issue 03) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-06-02T16:25:42+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-06-02T16:25:42+00:00 New issue published (Vol. 03 issue. 02) 2023-05-24T21:49:24+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-05-24T21:49:24+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 03, Issue 02) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-02-12T17:19:54+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-02-12T17:19:54+00:00 We are now complying with Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) regulations 2023-01-30T07:04:38+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics <p>The&nbsp;<strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics</a></strong>&nbsp;is now complying with Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) regulations and will add ARK number to each of our articles. What is a ARK? ARKs are similar to DOIs, URNs, and Handles. In contrast, ARKs are cheaper, more flexible, and less centralized. Similar to a bar code for a physical object, a ARK is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a digital object, such as an electronic journal, article, report, or thesis. Each ARK is unique and serves as a stable, persistent link to the full-text of an electronic item on the Internet. Unlike a URL, a ARK doesn’t change over time; even if the item moves to a new location, the ARK stays the same. After joining ARK, we have given a Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) for journal as prefix:&nbsp;<strong>ARK:/15735</strong></p> <div class="wp-block-image"> <figure class="aligncenter size-full"><img class="wp-image-204" src="" sizes="(max-width: 639px) 100vw, 639px" srcset=" 639w, 300w" alt="" width="639" height="103"></figure> </div> <p>Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) serve as&nbsp;<em>persistent identifiers</em>, or stable, trusted references for information objects. Among other things, they aim to be web addresses (URLs) that don’t return 404 Page Not Found errors. The ARK Alliance is an open global community supporting the ARK infrastructure on behalf of research and scholarship.</p> <p>End users, especially researchers, rely on ARKs for long term access to the global scientific and cultural record. Since 2001 some 8.2 billion ARKs have been created by over&nbsp;<a href="">900 organizations</a>&nbsp;— libraries, data centers, archives, museums, publishers, government agencies, and vendors.</p> 2023-01-30T07:04:38+00:00 New issue published (Vol. 03 issue. 01) 2023-01-25T14:07:38+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2023-01-25T14:07:38+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 03, Issue 01) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-10-10T05:48:26+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-10-10T05:48:26+00:00 New issue has been published [IJEAP] 2022-09-25T08:25:18+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics <p>Dear Researchers,</p> <p><strong><a href="">International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics</a></strong>&nbsp;(<strong>ISSN:&nbsp;</strong><strong>2737-8071</strong>) has just published its latest issue (<strong>Vol. 02 issue. 03), Sep 2022.</strong></p> <p>We invite you to visit the journal website to&nbsp;read and download&nbsp;the articles and items of&nbsp;Interest:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p><strong><u>Table of Contents:</u></strong></p> <ol> <li class="show"><a href="">Maintenance strategy focused on the specific consumption of diesel generators in sub-saharan countries: Case of National Electricity Company of Burkina Faso</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">First Principle Calculations to Predict the Preferred Crystal and Structural Parameter of Indium Phosphate</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">A Comprehensive Study on Utility of Carrier Transportation Layer for Efficiency Improvement of Organic Photovoltaic Devices using GPVDM Modeling</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Corrosion inhibition potentials of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid solution</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Recognition and Detection of Vehicle License Plates Using Convolutional Neural Networks</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Electrochemical Performance of Laser Modified Zinc Electrode</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Estimation Of Entrance Skin Dose And Effective Dose In Cervical Spine X-Ray Procedures</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Structural and Electronic Properties of Gallium Phosphate Semiconductor in Wurtzite Rock-Salt and Zinc-Blende</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Levels Of Natural Radionuclides in Khat (Catha Edulis) Leaves and Soils in Selected Areas In Embu County, Kenya</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Optical properties and efficiency studies for Beta Vulgarize, Curcuma Longa and Vulgaris var. cicla dye sensitized solar cell</a></li> <li class="show"><a href="">Influence of River Water and Treated Industrial Sewage Water Quality on Compressive Strength of Concrete with Sawdust Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement</a></li> </ol> 2022-09-25T08:25:18+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 02, Issue 03) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-06-13T18:10:29+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-06-13T18:10:29+00:00 [IJEAP] Adopte Online First Articles 2022-06-01T20:59:24+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-06-01T20:59:24+00:00 New issue has been published [IJEAP] 2022-05-25T18:48:59+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-05-25T18:48:59+00:00 Call For Paper (Volume 02, Issue 02) : International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-04-09T19:17:57+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-04-09T19:17:57+00:00 New issue has been published [IJEAP] 2022-01-24T19:17:23+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2022-01-24T19:17:23+00:00 Call for papers ( Volume 1, Issue 3 ): International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2021-06-07T17:36:18+00:00 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics 2021-06-07T17:36:18+00:00