The Study of Simulation of RC, RL and RLC Circuits Using Matlab in Teaching


  • Hassan asnaoui Regional Directorate of the National Education Ministry, Primary Education and Sports in Boulemane-Missour. Abu Hanifa secondary school Ksabi Moulouya
  • M. KALIS Research Team " Innovative Research & Applied Physics", Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco
  • M.BOULAALAM Regional Directorate of the National Education Ministry, Primary Education and Sports in Boulemane-Missour. Abu Hanifa secondary school Ksabi Moulouya


Matlab , Simulation, Electrical circuits , Teaching


Involvement of simulation in teaching is provide a batter support, more clear and visual operation of complex circuits to the Faculty members of electrcs circuits in classroom teaching. The simulation available for simulation of electrc circuits are MATLAb and C+ and many more.  Use of the simulation in classroom teaching is provide an additional support to the Faculty members and its better then the time consuming black board practice. This paper provides a case study of  electrcs circuits as RC, RL and RLC in Matlab software. Different  electrcs circuit model are prepared on Matlab software and generate simulation voltage forms. This paper is helpful for to find the applications of Matlab in teaching.


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Fig. 3: RL circuit (establishment and interruption of current) obtained by Matlab




How to Cite

H. asnaoui, M. . KALIS, and M. BOULAALAM, “The Study of Simulation of RC, RL and RLC Circuits Using Matlab in Teaching”, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 955–960, Jun. 2024.




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