Toward SLM Cost model estimation: stainless steels case study


  • Mohammed Abattouy Team of mathematical modeling and control (MMC)
  • Mustapha Ouardouz Team of mathematical modeling and control (MMC), faculty of sciences and techniques of Tangier, Tangier, Morocco
  • Hamid Azzouzi Department of Mechanical Engineering, faculty of sciences and techniques of Tangier, Tangier, Morocco


Additive manufacturing, cost model, Selevtive laser melting, post processing


Additive manufacturing is a capable process to produce three dimensional components from raw material and 3D design data. This layer-by-layer operating process has many advantages including high geometrical freedom to produce complex parts with reduced cost and applied especially in the aerospace, medical and automotive industry. One of the metal AM processes is Selective Laser Melting this technology is an effective manufacturing technique to build metallic and functional parts. The aim of this study is to perform an economic assessment of Selective Laser Melting by developing a cost estimation model to estimate the process cost along the process life cycle cost. The cost of manufacturing is the key point for decision making to compare the Selective Laser Melting technology with different manufacturing technologies. The cost estimation is profitable also for engineers at the preliminary design. Production costs are studied to find out parameters influencing the Selective Laser Melting process such as machine cost, material, and post processing and how is the process cost could be optimized. A case study on Selective Laser Melting of stainless steels is presented to illustrate the cost model. This work presents a more realistic cost model of Selective Laser Melting based on the activity approach and including all steps of manufacturing with SLM such as part design and post processing such as heat treatment. This research enables us to understand the entire value network of Selective Laser Melting. It has been found that, the machine cost was by far the largest factor in Selective Laser Melting, followed by the post processing cost.


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How to Cite

M. Abattouy, M. Ouardouz, and H. Azzouzi, “Toward SLM Cost model estimation: stainless steels case study”, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Physics, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 381–393, Jan. 2022.


