Controlling of ZETA Full Bridge Inverter Buck - Boost Output Voltage
ZETA Converter, Full - Bridge Inverter, Solar Panel, Buck - Boost, Voltage ControlAbstract
The development of science and electronics is increasing rapidly, marked by the development and use of renewable energy, such as electric vehicles and solar panels. A good power converter is needed to maintain its practical service life. Renewable energy systems with DC output voltage generally require a DC-DC converter to increase or decrease the voltage level and an inverter to convert the DC voltage to AC. A ZETA Inverter, which combines a ZETA Converter with a Full Bridge Inverter, is proposed in this research. ZETA Converter can increase and decrease the output voltage as needed. The output voltage setting is also applied to the ZETA Inverter topology, using the Voltage Transducer LV25-P as the output voltage detector. The sensor reading results are then compared with the desired reference and then controlled using Proportional Integral (PI) Control, producing a pulse width modulated signal as a switching control on the power switch. Thus, the output voltage can be regulated according to needs. Simulation testing using Power Simulator (PSIM) software is carried out first and then validated by hardware testing in the laboratory. The final result was that the ZETA Inverter output voltage could adjust the reference voltage to increase and decrease voltage conditions. Under changing load conditions, the output voltage remains at the reference value. The defect (THD) level at the output voltage was 1.2%, which meets the IEEE 519 standard, below 5%. Thus, the ZETA Inverter can be a good power converter in renewable energy systems.
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