Mixer Circuits Design and Performance Analysis using Planar Schottky Diodes – Simulation with MWO
Mixer, planar Schottky diode, Noise Figure, Conversion LossAbstract
Three mixer circuits were designed: a single mixer, a balanced single mixer, and a double-balanced mixer, all utilizing planar Schottky diodes (Au/GaAs) for microwave frequencies. The design and simulation were conducted using the Microwave Office program. The performance of these designs was compared with a previous reference circuit by Rohyed, which also employed a planar Schottky diode. The comparison revealed that the conversion loss (CL) was lower in the single-diode mixer compared to the single-balanced mixer at fixe frequency 6GHz; the double-balanced mixer exhibited the best performance overall, and the single-balanced mixer showed slightly higher conversion loss. The noise figure remained relatively constant across the designs at operating frequencies for each circuit. Overall, the design effectively balanced conversion loss and Noise Figure.
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