Effect of Some Physical Factors and Chemical Processing on the Yield and Quality of Nanosilica Derived from Rice Husk: Effectiveness of H3PO4 Pre-treatment on Structural and Optical Properties
Physical factors, Rice husk, H3PO4, Nano-silica, Silica Yield, Optical propertiesAbstract
The research reports the effect of location, fertilizer application, and chemical pre-treatment on the yield and quality of nanosilica derived from rice husk (RH) and also comprehensively treats the effectiveness of H3PO4 pre-treatment on its structural and optical properties. Sample preparation involves chemical pre-treatment methods and calcination at 550 oC for 6 hours. The result shows that location and fertilizer application affects the yield and quality of silica derived from RH. H3PO4 pre-treatment proved to be very effective and improved both the structural and optical properties of the nanosilica, which is a potential candidate for solid-state lighting and display applications.
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