Second Law Analysis in a Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in an horizontal Channel with Narrowing and Widening
non-Newtonian fluid, porous media, channel, irreversibility, numerical methodsAbstract
This work studies the flow of a non-Newtonian power-law fluid with viscous dissipation through a pipe with a variable expand ratio (B).The influence of the power law index (n), expand ratio (B), Darcy number (Da) and Brinkman number(Br) on heat transfer and thermodynamics irreversibility is investigated. Equations of the problem are solved numerically using COMSOL software. Results show that heat transfer and entropy generation are deeply affected by selected governing parameters. Both thermal entropy generation and average Nusselt number are maximal at low power index and at high medium permeability. Power index effect is insignificant at relatively low Darcy number. Considering viscous dissipation with high Brinkman number, heat transfer direction can be reversed at moderate Darcy number and high power index.
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