Review on waste water reuse for irrigation towards achieving environmental sustainability
Wastewater reuse, Irrigation, Sustainability, wastewater treatment, Renewable energyAbstract
Even though water makes up around 70% of the earth's crust, just a small portion of it is suitable for terrestrial life. Water is essential for life. The small percentage of freshwater with low salt concentration in the Antarctic and Arctic (68.7%) is only 2.5% of the total water stock in the hydrosphere and is largely in the form of ice and permanent snow cover. This writing serves as a review. Journals, publications, and earlier project works pertinent to the subject at hand were thoroughly examined and strategically sampled. To gather the data needed for the paper's creation, many works were examined and summarized. Agriculture is a large consumer of wastewater globally. It is believed that finding suitable irrigation resources is crucial for protecting natural water bodies and ensuring food safety. Wastewater reuse has emerged as a practical option for pollution reduction when water reuse replaces effluent discharge to vulnerable surface water bodies, preserving and extending available water supplies. This is due to the difficulties associated with the discharge of untreated wastewater into the environment. As treating and utilizing wastewater for irrigation would make it easier to achieve sustainability, using wastewater for irrigation is an efficient strategy to lower costs and improve environmental health and safety in today's economy.
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